Creating an NFT Flipbook
This is a little flipbook that I made to collect a number of 1/1 art works from Daniel Botha in one place. I need to expand more on this but for now you can see it here: https://sketchyplayground....

Rebirth Series, My First Generative Art NFT Release
After many weeks of fun work, I am launching my first NFT. It will not sell out immediately and I am fine with that. I did this to learn how Web3 works and how I can participate. I am a longtime web dev and artist and have participated while the web has evolved several times over the ...
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CSS Responsive Video Embeds
The Gutenberg editor in WordPress is pretty great, but it does give the user a good bit of power to do things that we may not have anticipated when writing the CSS. One of these is video embeds. In the past, I have used fitvids.js. It works fine and while it is only 3 or 4 kb, it just feels like too much. Do I really need JavaScript for this? The Problem

Web Development on a 13″ MacBook Pro M1
Last week was super busy and I was cranking late, testing a project that would be rolling out for release the next morning. I made some final adjustments before putting an old friend to sleep for the last time. My 2015 15" MacBook Pro had served me well for years but when trying to awaken it the next day I got the flashing folder of doom. I tried many things to bring the machine back to life including:

Target _blank, noopener, noreferrer and nofollow
If you have been developing websites for some time, you may know that adding a target of _blank to a link can have some unintended consequences. I sometimes find myself wondering which of these to add and and having to look them up. Summary:Use rel="noreferrer noopener" at minimum. There is also a nofollow that you may want to use but this has less to do with security and more about passing "link juice" along to the ...
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Git Stash, Retrieving Items That Are Not the Most Recent
Some Git commands like stash show are used regularly but not enough to keep top of mind. These are some commands I often find myself Googling for. If you are new to Git, checkout this post, Git 101 for the basics. What is Stash? Stashing work is a great way to set things aside for a moment. For example, I am working on a feature but ...
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Git 101
Git is one of those tools that is really intimidating for new users and fills them with dread. I felt this way and used to only work exclusively within a Graphical User Interface ( GUI ). But, using the GUI version without understanding what is happening can be dangerous and lead to more confusion and problems. This post is meant to explain the basics of using Git in the command line, mainly from the perspective of how I use it. I find myself having to explain these things to some people I work with and now this ...

Hello World, Again
It has been a long time since I had a blog. The first blog I built was back in 2007 when both WordPress and I were both much younger. WordPress has come a long way since then and I have grown in my career. I will not be committing to a schedule for posts or anything but hope to be posting fairly regularly. Most of my posts will be code related but I plan on adding some other things as well. It should also be noted ...